This week I have been mostly making......

This week I have been mostly making...........
Is a title I use loosely, if I have lots of projects on the go at once (I usually do)
Then I use this title to explain a little about them all.

This post I guess should be re-titled

Yesterdays Knits

Yesterdays Crochet

My morning

tram train, so plenty of time to wip up, a mini version of
Perfect little stitches
(with left over Ecuadorian yarn)

My late Afternoon project was the duckling.

Again tram and train time used to full potential as I had a school meeting and unfortunately didn't make my Tuesday knit cafe.

The Hours seem to be just running ahead, I seem to be chasing everything..........


And my naughty dog

Early evening


still working at the joining
I think that I have it, colour pattern etc

But your really have to concentrate or this happen, I managed to attach three wrong.

wrong side
wrong way up
wrong angle
You can not get, wronger than that!

So I frogged and left.(Not a harsh frog just the few that where wrong)

Quick mention here, my day I just edit the crap, house, dinner, chores,washing, momentous same old same routine, dog walk's not all knitting and art.

Picture taken before I realised, side by side/not reversed(oj oj oj).

A complete tangle of triangle, this is not a travel project it can only be managed sitting at a table.

Blue ducking

Pleased to announce that a Face book fan page has been set up for this project.
I need to work out how to put the link, but if you have an account you can just search the title below.

Crocheted Plastic Ducklings For River Knit Graffiti

Gemma and William wedding seeds
, summer fast running out here;-( sadly.

These seedlings where a favours gift at my friends wedding, so I just want to say a quick how cute.

Seeds of love and all that..........

And that I hope they flower before Autumn.(keen gardener not!, but I try)

And to show Gem that I actually planted them;-)