I blog for bliss

My 1946 edition of The Winston Dictionary defines Bliss: 1. the highest degree of happiness; heavenly joy
Today I'm feeling quite blissful over the release of Tara Frey's new book "Blogging for Bliss" in which I have the honor to be included. I have to admit I have not seen it yet and am dying to get my hands on a copy.

To find out more about all the creative persons featured in the book, please head over to ArtsyMama's book release party where you will find links to their sites, as well as an interview with Tara Frey.

In celebration of the book I thought I would share what blogging for bliss means to me, and as having to write is not my favorite task {I would rather sew/craft/knit/bake anyday :)} I will just let the pictures do most of the talking...

Blogging for bliss is sharing the simple pleasures that bring joy to my everyday.

Bliss is baking a lemon cake with simple ingredients and eggs fresh from the henhouse.

Bliss is crocheting a colorful wool blanket from leftover balls of yarn.

Bliss is sitting quietly in the sunroom with a midmorning cup of English Breakfast tea, a freshly baked cookie, and some knitting on my needles.

Bliss is using all my flea market finds::floral dishes, old mixing bowls, bread tin, linens, and vintage furniture~to make my kitchen cozy.

Bliss is learning a new craft.

Bliss is sewing something useful using linen and floral cotton, and embellishing it with some embroidery.

Bliss is making the laundry room a place in which I don't mind spending time.

Bliss is thinking about all the women before me who loved to sew and giving new life to what they've left behind.

Bliss is combining aqua with red.

Bliss is learning to sew patchwork, combining new and old.

Bliss is the whole creative process.

Bliss is having a business doing what I love.

Bliss is making a house a home.

Bliss is enjoying the fruits of our labor.

Bliss is feeding my family from our garden.

Bliss is taking a nature walk.

Bliss is the arrival of new baby chicks each Spring.

Bliss is readers who offer kindness, encouragement, and support ~ thank you for stopping by to visit, it means a lot.