This week I have been mostly..........

This week I have been mostly..........

I set the challenge that I'm not aloud to start any new projects , but that did not include me fixing an old project that I simply just was not happy with.

My Home Sweet

It had a bumpy middle and now that I have really perfected the lettering, I knew that I could have done it better,( I dreamt about it, call me committed) so as if do not have enough to complete. I added in an oldie to fix up, it will not take long;-(.

So yes I am (STILL) over achieving and not learning.......

The up earlier and bed later , really is not helping.
I must work on my over commitment and lack of time management.

Also to stop thinking up new things, Hansel and Gretel(Hans och Greta) Graffiti day yesterday turned out to be an afternoons work, that I had not allowed for;-).

Post to follow

Art and Knit

Completed in crochet.

Packaging dress sleeve

From this to this!

But how......

That is the question?


A new project........

I know I make the rules I can break the rules, its just when a project is one that you have to think about. (my OCA dgree work!)

Then I need time off as the dress is a little stress.

The knitted graffiti from Christmas I have hung.

So I needed , new and easy.

So the star below is in fact 8 of what will be 20 arm cuffs for the stick structure below, below.

Size 8

25 stitches? ish

Then a few rows, easy.

Spring has not sprung enough yet for the buds,

So I need to add a little more colour on my walk home.

For the Stockholmers, do you know where this is?

Marie Antoinette

Colours and Inspiration.

I think that this movie was released in 2006, why I'm a little late getting into it.

This was the year I came to stockholm and totally missed it.

I caught a little on TV a while back , hooked.....ordered it from Amazon.

And got the whole movie experience and I love it.

(Even more than New Moon I have to say;-()
(It's one of my favourite books but the movie ,not so gripped as Twilight)