on knitting

Despite all the lovely sunshine we've been having and the warm-for-this-time-of-year temps {40 to 50 degrees F}
for the last week, we still have snow,
and where the snow has melted, we have puddles...lots of puddles.
Our garden is covered half in snow and half in water,
so not too much to do yet as far as gardening or yard work.
I've really been in the mood to knit, even though the Cavern cardigan I was working on {here} did not work out. I love the top down construction, but once I got the body done I realized it was much too big--I suppose it may have something to do with the fact that I wasn't even using the right size needles...no idea what I was thinking!
As I was ripping it all out, I came across this free pattern and decided to give it a try.
So far I have the back and the left side completed.
One of my readers, Jan, asked how and when I learned to knit, and what would be a good book to get her started.
I was taught by my mom {who made us mittens and wonderful sweaters & hats for our Barbie dolls} at an early age--not sure exactly...maybe by age 10? I remember struggling with the stitches which always seemed to be too tight. Eventually I got better and I remember making some scarves. Then I learned crochet, and knitting fell by the wayside--I was busy making granny square afghans in the late 70's & early 80's. It wasn't until about 5 years ago that I got serious about knitting and decided to attempt a sweater.
I went to the library and started reading knitting books, and a couple that stand out as far as helpfulness are Elizabeth Zimmerman's Knitting Without Tears: Basic Techniques and Easy-to-Follow Directions for Garments to Fit All Sizes
and Debbie Stoller's Stitch 'N Bitch: The Knitter's Handbook
There are also some online video tutorials that have helped me out a lot ~ it is so much easier when you can actually see someone doing the stitches/techniques. Knit Picks has many beginner tutorials {here}.
Don't be intimidated, just keep trying and practicing. My first sweater was awful!...but the second one was much better.
Jan, I hope this helps.