The Knitting Challenge Begins.

Not quiet the start I had planned, above my 1st wrong attempt of yet the simplest hat ever. But to my fairness the pattern/digram is in another language.

Here's how I began.

Pattern 0ne


Easy peasy (hopefully)


Storklek: Vexenmodell, lätt att minska till barnmodell.

Garn: Ett tjockt,mjukt och luftigt ullgarn rekommenderas. Till mössan s. 16 och 24 har” Gute” garn från Bergå använts.

Garnåtgång: 1-1 1/5 hg.

Tips: Om man vill ha en smidigare mössa kan man dra ifrån 5 cn på

Uppläggningsvaret och vika upp enkel kant.



Storklek: Vexenmodell, easy to reduce the child model.

Yarn: A thick, soft and fluffy wool is recommended. To cap p. 16 and 24 have "Gute" yarn from Berg used.

Materials: 1hg.

Tip: If you want a flexible cap, you can subtract 5 cm on

Posting answer and unfold single edge.

Ok then lets work that out……..

Diagram below

This was my big mistake the 36 width and the 44 height I assumed was Cm's So attempt one just like my Fiona hat grew way to fast to ever be a basic hat.

Attempt two

36 stitches

44 rows

And I'm off again.

Here I have to apologise to Helen(Sticka) and Karin(Ex knit lab)

As they kindly offered me a lot of help with the translating, but this post was already prepared and ready to go.
(Organised week)

So I promise my next translate will be Spot on......100%;-)

Below attempt two............


More Photos of Phoenix, to finish I just have to complete the skirt. One skein that today I will go to Panduro(Swedish craft store)

Which was where I purchased the yarn and hopefully they will have some thing similar, as I brought the orange a while back in the sales:-(.

Traditional yet funky

Detailed neck stitch, I think that this is my favourite part.

Christmassy Ribbon

Twisty Stitch