Practice makes perfect!

My new Stitch

I have seen this type of stitch all over with this seasons scarfs/pashmina and wraps that seem to deck the shelves of H&M, Indinska, Zara...........not much of a choice in Sweden, H&M Rule here.

But any how I figure how difficult can it be?, I couldn't find this type of stitch in any of my many books. And as you know I cant read the pattern but I can break it down if I have a picture.

So unable to find one,

I actually went in store and had a look!

I felt a bit like a knit/crochet detective.............

I wanted to make a shawl and in my true usual style I thought that I'd go big.

Then quickly realising that I should have started in reverse!.
Oj oj oj

Start small and then add more boxes each row.

So I cast off attempt one, my stitches are never wasted as I can use them in my art.

My Stitch up close

A String bag or brussel sprout type Stitch,well almost;-).

The basic stitch is a chain of eight then keep going into the fourth stitch(ish), appearing as a flower here, or even a very basic granny square?

Messed my order;-(

3rd Attempt.

Turning the stitch into a round as that way I figured that I could make a pattern. That would then turn eventually into a shawl shape.

(I'm not completely sure how?)

2nd Attempt.

I tried the start at the bottom three, five box strategy. This too failed me, as it almost went in the shape of a shoulder.

It raised up as I guess not enough new stitches created to make the shawl triangle effect.

This was the main part of my Sunday quick knit cafe.
(sick kids/hubbie away)

I made the ladies laugh with my backwards (reversed!) approach to pattern creating;-0

And my I will just keep going and going, until I work it out.

"what I'm actually trying to achieve".

Practice makes perfect.