Stitches, Stitches, Stitches.........

It's one of those days,

I stitched, I frogged........

I stitched, I frogged........

And yet again, I stitched

Stitched, stitched, stitched.

I just wanted to make the side panel of the packaging dress sit pretty.

My biggest problem ?................

I know what can be achieved,

and usually exactly how to get there!

But not today.

Off day I guess, we all have them!.

So you go again

and again,

and when the crochet fails, I skip to knit.

Who says Crochet or knitting are easy.........


Even for one who has been described

as pretty dam good with the crochet stitch.

(Namely moi)

Can not always ,"cut the mustard".

Heres the knit part

Africa Touch

I have filled all the panels with red knit.

Now I am extending to the bigger needles

as I have a new idea to kind of ladder the knitting with crochet.