I love June...

I'm thinking that there is not a month more beautiful than June, and I cannot hardly believe that there is little more than a week of it left. Our weather has been warm and wonderful with deep blue skies and quite a bit of sunshine--something we never take for granted after our long cloudy winters. We've not had a very rainy spring, although Saturday it rained all day--mostly a gentle misty sort of rain that has done wonders for the roses and all the rest of my flowers {except the poor peonies}.

Friday and Sunday were sunny and warm days, perfect for weeding the gardens, taking a bike ride, sitting on the deck with a glass of wine, and enjoying everything in bloom...

...the peony bush before being downtrodden by the rain.

...lilies, a white rose bush in the corner, catmint, and ever spreading violets.

...my little garden chair is due for some paint I think!

...another new peony bush, a foxglove just beginning to bloom, and a clematis growing up the wagon wheel. I have never been able to keep a clematis alive for long and am still trying to find the ideal location.

..some bleeding heart, alchemilla mollis, and I believe, red valerian??

And the first of the strawberries are just being picked, and they have a heavenly flavor that the store-bought berries can only dream of...I can't wait for enough for that first strawberry shortcake.
Hope your summer is off to a great start!