sewing - little by little

Thank you for all the Easter {and get well} wishes--I hope your holiday was a great one!
I did manage to finish one skirt ~ the Tulip Skirt from Winter 2008 Stitch magazine...

It's a great pattern, although it did confuse me a little ~ be sure to check out the errata and know that the front and back pattern pieces seem to be mismarked. I'm super happy with the end result--I used a brown linen and did lengthen it just a bit. The only disappointment was that I did not get to wear it for Easter as planned {my back is not allowing me to bend much and the thought of trying to get tights or pantyhose on was more than I cared to attempt}.

Because even sitting is uncomfortable, I've been sewing in 15 minute blocks. I started this blouse, and little by little I am getting it done. It's a midnight blue linen, and I'm using the flour collar tutorial from Sew Mama Sew... Simplicity 4179 - view C

So far, the pattern is working out really well. Just the hem and buttons/buttonholes left, and I'll be back with a picture...Deb