Knitted poncho

I actually made this around two years ago,

But the summers here in full forse
(Sunshine demands I unpack my summer dresses)
And when I pulled out my summer supply there it was,
teamed with memory's and demanding to be worn.

So today I did exactly that!
I wore it
And it is such a satisfying feeling, when people stare!

(In a nice way, checking out my poncho!)
It is a lovely poncho,
I know that I'm the only one in the world wearing it.

How do I know this?

I made it!
I designed it.
I stitched it together.
And choose the ribbon, all by my self;-)
My early birthday gift to my self.
Breakfast at Tiffany's "Holly go lightly"

Blythe two(neo)
My Cappuccino Chat aka Holly
Cute Blythe baby pink Converse (lookalikes) they are the size of my thumb nail.
E bay purchase.