Chatting with Sasha Kagan, like you do.

'Knit issue'(Bless you;-)


Sasha Kagan, freelance Rowan many books huge.......


Twisted Thread Harrogate.

How Come,

She was chatting in front of the stall(Quirky's stall), I noticed her bag the African shop type/fair trade. The type that the fabric is pushed through Hessian!
(not sue of the title)

In fact I have it in my to-do projects, there is a very posh British lady that lives in Sweden and she promotes this at the Swedish knit festival.


As you know I was their to promote my friend, Knit wear pattern designer
(like Sasha) is the path that
she has chosen.

Sasha was with a friend whom had a beautiful knitted cable dress/purple.
(my colour of the moment)

I mentioned to Sasha that her friend dress was beautiful,
and asked "had she made it?"

" she replied that's Jean Moss.....? and yes she had designed it"

Just Beautiful
and now I know who she is.

We chatted about Angela and I gave my Rowan 1st prize, Dolly dress speak (fun)
She gave some words of wisdom to pass on to Angela,

She told me to tell her "that Sasha said so" I gave her Quirky's card.

(didn't give mine;-(

Grateful I smiled a very nice lady and off she went.( I just didn't know who)

Angela returned I remembered snippets, Im terrible........really should just take a lot of note's.

And she was Sasha? could it be Sasha kagan!? who
I have know idea, I told her about the purple dress and Jane,Jade Moss.......Jean

1 hour later one of Angela's contacts passed by, Angela mentioned my story.......
She replied yes that would be SK and JM they where there to judge the completions.

We laughed and I think that I did well as had I known who she was I may have stumbled.

Jean Moss

Jean moss design

Twisted thread inspired little ring.

Hammer beads and my home made flower design made for a cute ring.

Vintage chartreuse Yarn.

Green acrylic.

Hammer Beads.