resurfacing ~ some works in progress

Life has gotten so busy that before I knew it a week+ has flown by. In the middle of the kitchen facelift, our washer died. Since the dryer is verrry old we decided to replace both ~ another frontload washer and a stacking dryer. Of course, since I've been wanting to replace the 15 year old wallpaper in the laundry room, now would be the time, right? So we quick switched gears this past weekend and started stripping wallpaper and painting the laundry room; meanwhile the kitchen is in a semi state of disaster with a counter removed and a wall cabinet emptied and relocated in order to put in the new countertop. If I'm not back for awhile, you know why.
Anyway, I thought I'd take this time to post some works in progress.
This bag, using the little red riding fabric, is actually finished and waiting to be listed in the shop

This is my current knitting project that has fallen to the wayside. Seems I just cannot get motivated lately to work on it ~ I really need to get it finished. It's a short-sleeve t-shirt pattern from magknits, and I'm using Knit Picks Main Line yarn in cocoa. Everything stalled when I came to the design on the front... This hasn't stopped me from starting more projects. These are some pear pincushions made of vintage barkcloth and just waiting for a little stem at the top...
Lastly, a peek at the farmhouse sink sitting in the basement. To save money I was ready to go with an acrylic one, but we found a great deal on e-bay for this porcelain fireclay sink with free shipping...
My afternoon is to be spent painting and removing wallpaper, with lots more painting over the weekend.

Hope you all have a good weekend!