Stupid Mistake

Sorry for two posts in two days but I just found this blog post from a week ago that never got published.

About a week after finishing this pair of Thuja socks for DH (Knitty pattern is HERE), I found the second skein of gray yarn I purchased to knit them. I used Berroco Comfort which is a worsted weight acrylic/nylon blend that I hope won't be killed when DH accidentally puts the socks in a hot dryer. I'm not exceedingly fond of this yarn as it is kind of slack but I'll wait to decide to see how it washes and wears.

Anyway, where was the second skein of yarn? Exactly where the other yarn was stored of course. I could have sworn I looked for more yarn because I was surprised I was so far off on the yardage estimate. In desperation I used some navy Shine Sport for the rest of the socks. Oh well at least I have another holiday gift for DH.

Here are the Kazak Socks from Hunter Hammersen's Silk Road Socks book. (You can also buy the pattenr separately - it is a nice mindless pattern that is basically K2P2 ribbing throughout.) I received both the book and the yarn as a prize for the Sock Knitter's Anonymous Scavenger Hunt this summer. The yarn was really nice - Handwerks Sock Plus 8 in the Paprika color which is perfect for autumn.