We have a winner!

TECHknitting's "Poll with a Chance at a Prize" ended on May 15 at midnight. The winner of the Addi Clicks needle set (courtesy of Paradise Fibers) is Audrie who writes the "Purple Butterfly" blog.Link

Audrie also wins the $20.00 gift certificate to a yarn shop of her choice. Congratulations, Audrie!

However, even though Audrie won the physical prizes, the true winner is really TECHknitting blog, and the true prize is all of your thoughtful comments on what subjects interest you. Thank you all so much for taking the time to comment. I look forward to writing many posts based on your many excellent ideas.

Best, TK

PS: For those interested in methodology, the winner was selected randomly as follows: This blog is in a very old format, and it is not possible to add numbers to the comments. Therefore, the entire comments were cut-and-pasted into a Word document. Next, all comments were removed which were duplicates, and all comments were removed in which the commenter failed to leave a method of contact. This left a 138 page document. Word generates an automatic word count--for all the comments which were eligible for the drawing, there was a total of 34,010 words. Next, I went to Random.org and obtained a random number between 1 and 34,010. That number was 28532. The word corresponding to that number was found in Audrie's post, and that's how she was randomly selected as the winner. Congrats to Audrie, and thanks again to all who commented.