late summer garden

The bird house gourd vines have surrounded
the chicken yard,
providing shade for the hens...
and producing lots of gourds.
The sunflowers have reached amazing heights...

The zinnias are providing gorgeous
bouquets for the house...

A late hollyhock blooming against the barn
is making me happy...

Newly dug fingerling potatoes...

to add to the baskets of reds
that were dug some weeks was a great year for potatoes.
The leeks are ready too, and we made our
first pot of leek and potato soup yesterday.
Peppers, hungarian and jalepeno, have been
tomatoes have been canned,
string beans were frozen,
and the onions are pulled.
This weekend I'm hoping to have time
to read these two books I
found at the library...


They both look really good!

Hope you enjoy a great weekend.