Monday morning

It's very gloomy out today, and I was a little slow to get motivated this morning, so I made a batch of my favorite orange scones to have with my mid-morning tea. Then I sat in the sunroom and went over my list of things I hope to accomplish this week...
...The rest of the morning was spent cleaning a bathroom, doing laundry, and washing the foyer floor, after cleaning out the front closet. This afternoon it's on to some hand sewing ~ six little fabric birds I made yesterday, that need to be stuffed and sewn closed ~ maybe while watching a Christmas movie. :)
And, I thought I would show you the finished project that I gave a glimpse of last week...

...a bucket bag with a drawstring top, (not seen, as it's tucked down in the bag) and a couple rice heat (or cold) therapy bags, all from the great tutorials on the SewMamaSew holiday gift list. (They also have some great gift tags you can print up, here.)

I filled the bag with a few more things, including some chocolates, and gave this to my mom for her birthday.

Wishing you all a great week!