It's been a gray gloomy morning, and I feel about as dull as the weather. Even my chores, which I usually don't mind, seem monotonous today ~stripping bedding, doing laundry, washing dishes~ as well as wiping down kitchen cabinets and the dusty top of the fridge, and steam cleaning some of the carpeting. I've lit a small fire in the woodstove to help dry out the carpet and I think some sewing is in order to lift the spirits!
One project I have been looking forward to was actually prompted by the picture of the stuffed birds on the front of Last Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts. This book is on my Christmas list ~ I would love to own it!! Since I don't (yet), I am going with a Christmas bird pattern from Quick & Easy Christmas Bazaar Crafts by Jim Williams. This is one of the birds that I made several years ago...
I am determined to squeeze in time to make these before Christmas (along with all the other works in progress), and will post some pictures.
Happily I have actually completed a sewing project recently...The design is from Lotta's book, Simple Sewing, and I highly recommend it. I found her instructions very easy to follow, and I really like how the bag is constructed. I made this tote for myself, but then felt guilty as Christmas is so I have made it available in the shop.