
 Long haul flight prep.
Heres my flight prep, yarn had to be un-bundled, so the two chair method came in handy, unbeknown to me I would crochet the entire blanket on the flight nine balls.
Damn I'm getting quicker........this also teamed with the only TV that on a flight of 300 plus didn't work. Thank goodness for Crochet.

Thick chunky yarnAppears rough but when wound woollen soft.

I mixed this yarn above with this yarn below to make a big snuggle blankie.

I had began the Sirdar part before leaving the Uk.  Instead of stripes this time I decided a half and half.

I love, love, loved Canada.

Park art , she/He maybe worth a google.
This needles and yarn was at the petting zoo?

Canada Knits, knitting things that I found without even trying.

This man was at the Kanal in Odd aa Waaa or at the locals call it Ottawa.
spinning/metal work (black smith) local crafts promoting 175 years.  
To my delight a  basket of knitting, I was considering offering to help demonstrate but with the temp in the high 80's I decided not to.
(yes I must have been ill!) So unlike me.........

Ottawa also offers a free evening night Light show.
The knitted art above was at an open day festiavl in one of the big parks down town.

175 years canal RIDEAU