raking and reading

Spring has finally arrived (though we cannot rule out some flurries here & there), and the pussy willows are in full bloom. It's so good to hear the birds singing in the morning again and to listen to the spring peepers in the evening. The weekend was warm and sunny, and besides some raking and cleaning out of gardens, we even enjoyed a bike ride.

I moved a couple geraniums and a primrose from under their light in the basement to the enamel top table outside.

And what could be better than sitting outdoors in the sunshine with a couple new magazines!

*Just a note to anyone baking from the Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day book about which I posted...
Jenn @ Frugal Upstate left this helpful comment about some errors in the cookbook ~ "I got the same bread book out from the library, but was having problems with the recipe (it baked up gummy in the center.) Well lo & behold, there is an errata page, and the rise time is wrong! Thanks to Angry Chicken for posting about it:http://www.artisanbreadinfive.com/?page_id=73"

Thanks Jenn!!