my weekend and a swap

We're still enjoying beautiful warm, sunny weather. All indoor projects have been abandoned in favor of being outside. Flower beds were weeded and mulched, the grass was mowed, steaks & hot dogs were cooked out on the grill, and long bike rides were taken.
A couple weeks ago, I found my amaryllis starting to grow. It had been in the basement, on my potting table, where I leave it over the winter. Somehow, even down there, it knew it was spring and time to bloom. I brought it upstairs, and it now has 3 huge flowers.

Recently I took part in the shopping tote swap over at Rhonda's down-to-earth, and I wanted to show the wonderful tote I received from Melinda of Elements in Time...
...this is going to be so great for carrying groceries, and I am really in need of shopping totes. Melinda's sewing machine was not working, so she stitched this up by hand ~ a real labor of love! Thank you again, Melinda!

This tote was my contribution, made with some fabric I found at JoAnn's...

Thank you all for your visits and comments!!