More on the yo yo's...

I did work on yo yo's while on fact, I was wishing I had cut out and brought more fabric circles because they sew up quick and easy.

Here's a look at what I got done. I made two different sizes by starting with circles of fabric 4 inches in diameter and 5 1/2 inches. As Heather mentions in her tutorial, a longer stitch creates a smaller opening; a shorter stitch ~ a larger opening. I used a longer stitch and had a yo yo made in no time. I love being able to use up scraps of fabric!

Now I'm looking for creative ways to use these. I spent a little time searching for ideas, and here are some things I came up with:

~ Yo Yo Angels

~ Yo Yo placemat

~ Yo Yo ornament

~ Yo Yo tree ornament

If you try these, I would love to see what you make!!! Have fun.