Corners of my Home

Thank you for the comments on my last's so nice to have someone to share these things with! Thank you Elizabeth, Mrs Scott, and Mrs Staggs for pointing me in the right direction to find a tube turning tool...the next time I get to Joann's I will be sure to check it out.
Today's corner is in the master bath. It's kind of hard to tell because of the lighting, but it's painted Deep Linen G22, one of Martha's Everyday Colors. Most everything else is white except the vintage mirror frame, which I think I am going to paint white. To the right of the sink are some tag sale finds used to hold soap...

I found this little wall cabinet at a flea market in even had the cute little glass knob...

the little bowl on top holds soap...a star fish from Florida...

...this old ironstone pitcher holds toothbrushes and toothpaste...

...and this old commode is handy for hiding unmentionables...

As I went to start this post I noticed it is my 100th post, aaaand as I'm always looking for a good excuse for a give-away, I can't let the opportunity pass by. Anyone who leaves a comment to this post will automatically be entered in a drawing for a little zippered pouch, similar to the one I sent Clarice, here. This pouch is yet unmade so I'm not sure what the fabric will be ~ a pleasant surprise I hope!