Royal Giveaways on Sourcebooks' British Babes Book Brigade Facebook Page!

Royal Giveaways on Sourcebooks' "British Babes Book Brigade Facebook Page!"

I don't know about you, but I am totally caught up in the Royal Wedding craze!! I can't believe it's next week!!

Here's how Sourcebooks' British Babes Book Brigade is celebrating the Royal Wedding:   

from Sourcebooks:
"The royal wedding is only a week away and we are going to be celebrating all next week. Starting Monday we will be doing a giveaway every day until the big celebration on Friday. But these are no ordinary giveaways – these are royal wedding prize packs!

3 winners will be randomly picked each day:

- The 1st place winner will get a William & Kate wedding memento (it is top secret for now (just like Kate’s dress J) but check the page out on Monday to find out – oh and they are all different so there will be a different memento each day).  Along with that they also get their choice of three books from any of our British Book Babes. 

- The 2nd  place winner will have their choice of any two books from any of our British Book Babes.

- The 3rd  place winner will have their choice of one book from any of our British Book Babes"

Stop by and check out the British Babes Book Brigade on Facebook and enter the contest today!!