In My Mailbox (62)

Happy Easter, everyone!!
In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren, and is a way for everyone to show their new books for the week, including those bought, swapped, won, or received for review.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful Easter!!

for review:

"Tempest Rising" by Tracy Deebs

 It doesn't get much better than a book about mermaids!

"The A-Circuit" by Georgina Bloomberg & Catherine Hapka

Do I have a soft spot for horses or what?? This looks great!

"Scandalous Women" by Elizabeth Kerri Mahon

Truth is stranger than fiction!

"Just One Season in London" by Leigh Michaels

Sometimes Regency short stories are just what you need!

"In the Heat of the Bite" by Lydia Dare

This author's titles are a hoot!! The stories are really cute too, although the covers don't look very historical.

"What Alice Forgot" by Lianne Moriarty

This isn't my usual style, but the premise just looks too interesting to pass up!

What did you receive in your mailbox this week??