Playing catch up.......

Lets knit
(Last months, still on sale)

I know that I keep harping on about the fact that I was the back page of lets knit but here I go again.

This photo was in a local news agents, the thus magazine for sale with me/my story in it!.;-)

My dress that's in Jackson's, more art than actual wearable dress
but I makes me smile.

Only for the month so not long left until the 8th? (ish) to see the dress in the flesh if you have not yet.

Jock (Bucks goats centre)

Great value place, affordable/ one may say cheap.

Half term over and the reason for catch up is that Monet and I had an eventful one, trying to find as many petting zoo's well more farms as possible. Fuelling my daughter obsession with her possible vet career(only time will tell)

My recycled dress that became a poncho is now completed.

(previous post "The Village" and you can see how its life began)

Tonnes and tonnes of stitches and I feel it's now become a little bit more Mary Pop-pin's than The Village and I may get blown away;-)


This is a B'n'S Beanie (my only rough pattern two plain two purl) winters coming and as always nearing Xmas the hats are all lost..........

This is my New York yarn from Jan its wool and acrylic, I have made many of theses before but for some reason I think that I used the wrong sized needles and the large came up toddler size? go figure.

So being clever I decided to make my own pattern, only this is in prototype mode.

I used needles (12) but when I completed the hat the join was so messy chunky wool, chunky seam.

I realised that If id knitted on a round.... no join? (Sherlock moment) so I'll re-do on a round.

Hat collection started, prototype one nearly ready.......... watch this space.

My own hat pattern in the making.