Just add crochet

Hat hats hats........ Rasmus and Monet (who had literally just woken up) try to model my knit wear, Rasmus did his best to be human so he didn't miss out on the photo opportunity.

38 34 38 a little too burlesque?

Modelling my Edward top, even actually wearing a bra.

Not very model like but life like, trying to make it look like a real ladies a little bit of a chore.......this weekend job to give my mannequin a real figure.

Graffiti for skirts!

Vivacious has become a graffiti skirt,(prototype) this is the Dyslexic on and basically I decided that on a round who could tell what it actually said..........

So far so good, below £1.65 charity shop buy to complete this task huge acrylic


This mess applies to my life as well as my projects, I think that I actually need a time out.

Uni work OCA

I really must get on with some uni work this is going to be the longest ever chapter, I just can not come to terms with just how awful hand dying is if !!! if you just have no interest, I just want the end product and I totally respect the work that goes into the love of dying

Rhubarb and custard

Gets a waist band of huge proportion

Just how many projects should one have on the go at once, it occurred to me lately that I have not finished any thing in a while..........

And that the reason for this is I just keep moving on.....it's a little knit crazy.

Rich is very patient with the fact that a lot of the time there's no seats as I seem to spread out like ivy, I'm every where.

I need to get a grip, we need to fit a tree in here and I can't
bring back out my knitted one, can I ?

It's just to much even by my standards (To much yarn,never?)

Simply threading the elastic through, with a darning needle.

Lamp Shade cover,

Clock cover,

Desk lamp cover,

Just add a little crochet.

These are a few on my favourite things...............

How to below
