Blankie work shop part two

That time again knit lab Sunday and Blankie work shop part two

This is the tricky part, well if like me you can’t follow pattern it is, soooo

We now have two squares(eventually), this took me a while and I’m not that cleaver, that I could do it in my head. So two failed attempts later and I write the recipe and follow to the best of my ability.

Hindering myself, final attempt square 4, slightly hung over (Too much wine, beer and whisky the night before)
3 hours respectively (Sunday knit café) by the time I unstitched and Karin had to pick up a stitch ;-(

My Proper 2nd Square completed, finally I’m ready to pick up.

This is a first for me, pick up 15 on each edge of the two saquers on one needle.

Then I think that I knitted the row first 15 added the 1 as odd number of stitches is needed, agreed 31

Then begin as if a single square again






knit and so on, this sounds very confusing when in fact the pro's made it look very easy.