some icy, snowy winter 'corners'

After some computer problems, I am back again to blogging, just in time for 'corners of my home' Thursday. While I was out gathering eggs the other day, I took the camera out to capture the beauty Mother Nature left behind from a recent ice storm. Above is my lilac bush completely coated in ice.
Below, Zoe walked with me through the pines whose boughs are weighted down by all the snow & ice. It reminded me very much of the winter scenes from the movie Narnia...

Every stalk of weed in the field is an icy spear and absolutely gorgeous when the sun hits them...
The crabapple tree also is encased...
I have been enjoying my new sewing machine and getting some sewing projects done; will post some pictures tomorrow. I started a new knitting project~something for summer~and I will try to get pictures of the sweater I made for Stephanie for Christmas.

For today, I think I'll do some painting ~ another yard sale cubby for the workroom in green to match the little chest of drawers~ and I need to make some yogurt and granola...

Have a great day!