WIP tea cozy, quilted potholder & a new hat

It was a pretty quiet weekend here, mostly spent inside due to the rain & cold. I didn't get to post my work in progress for Friday, so here is a peek at the tea cozy. It's moving along slowly as I work on it for awhile and then jump to something else...

...like this cabled hat from S'n B Nation. I liked the one I made for my daughter so much, I ended up knitting one for myself using some yarns I had on hand.

Recently I've been liking the idea of combining knitting with fabric and Copper's Wife's post had me thinking of making potholders. Debbie Bliss Home shows a potholder using a knitted square and a piece of fabric; I changed it a bit and used a patchwork top...

Edited: One thing I forgot to mention is that I did use a layer of cotton batting which the patchwork is quilted to. I know there is a heat resistant product you could use also; not sure of the name of it.

I love using what I have on hand ~ this has some Denyse Schmidt fabric scraps, a piece of a vintage linen napkin, and a square of an old linen calendar. Here you can see the back which I knitted of cream cotton in seed/moss stitch...

I will definitely be making some more of these!