the busy season

The garden has been demanding a good
bit of attention of late.
These sunny faces are all volunteers,
transplanted from the potato patch...
If only I had some tall, strong volunteers
of the human sort to help with all
the weeding :)
Early morning is my favorite time to
weed the garden,
and I actually made it out there
several mornings last week.
Zucchini has been grated and frozen,
made into muffins & cakes,
sliced, fried, and sprinkled with grated romano,
and cubed & skewered on shish kabobs.
Cucumbers have been thrown into salads,
cut up and eaten plain,
and made into refrigerator pickles...

The blueberries have been on now for
a couple weeks.
They've been added to breakfast smoothies,
eaten on yogurt with granola,
thrown into pancakes,
made into pies,
and pounds of them have been
frozen for winter enjoyment.

Today I froze up lots of broccoli,
and tomorrow
I'm heading out to the blackberry patch.
The 'Busy Season' is here.