A big D

A big D

Did anyone spot my big mistake?

And that's not a old British tea make? (Maybe I dreamt that strap line).

The d is for dyslexic....... dyslexic frustration.

Vivacious, was going so well I corrected my mistake (earlier post) so I thought.

C was in the wrong place originally,fixed that, but I missed the biggy.

S?, in fact it's actually a 2.................now how did that happen.

(I really could have sat an cried, but oh how quickly I got on, lifes to short)

Knit happens!

A Major mistake as my S is in fact backwards.

And as I work backwards, yes you guessed it!!!

It was indeed the 1st letter that I attached.

So Basically it's staying, embrace your mistakes and work with them.

An excellent way to start my re-patronisation knitting.........wrong.

To my lunch

Jamie would be pleased I think at my preparation of a cheese Ploughman's.


It reads like some type of chemical equation .

But I'm over that and on to my new chapter.......

I found the perfect knit Cafe:-)

Or maybe it found me, all new to me Knitting in the UK, but as luck would have it I think I found something to do on a Wednesday evening;-)

Which is Great, sort my knit contacts and the rest will just fall into place.

End, end, ends......

Lots to do and lots to stitch in,

so this week I have been mainly sowing in my ends.

The little cute sheep and ram where taken at Beale park, all very cute and seeing

as I feature so much knit/crochet I figured maybe its time to promote the source.

trying to look like a guard dog which is very funny seeing he is frightened of everything. he is having a blast since our return to UK probably the Happiest Friday member as he is being introduced to lots of new places(of the lead) and more importantly new dogs.