the wine train

Sunday we spent a great day on a train excursion with friends.

We rode in NY Central passenger cars dating from the late 1940's...

...and had a continental breakfast onboard our car which was even decorated for fall. One of our stops was an old New York Central freight depot, which now contains the largest freight depot museum in the country. The building itself was built in 1905, and is one of the largest and last surviving wooden freight depots in the United States.

Out the window of the train...
Our stop at a lakeside winery, where we had a fabulous chicken barbecue and wine tasting, while enjoying a live band...
Much of our trip bordered the Erie Canal. As we went over the train bridge we could see the locks ~ the current ones on the left, and the original five that are no longer in use, on the right...
Another view from the other side of the bridge...
I think this train ride will have to become an annual event!

Hope you all had a great weekend :)