on my walk...

Most days I head out around two o'clock to give the horses their lunch, feed the chickens & cats, and check for eggs. If the weather's not bad I love to take a walk up the lanes and trails.
We have not had the most colorful fall foliage this year due to the drought.
Remember Pia...well Pia is now Pete, not the girl we were told she/he was. Our vet set us straight when she came out to give shots, and this is not the first time this has happened...

The hens...well they have not laid an egg in weeks/months. I am not sure what their excuse is, but I really, really hope they get back to work soon...
The wood pile is growing slowly. Yesterday we had our first fire in the woodstove...
Today is much warmer, so after my walk I planted some Gladiator allium. Every couple of years Brecks sends me a $25 coupon with no minimum purchase required. I love it (!) and pick out something that I wouldn't normally spend the money on, like these beauties...
Only, I had no idea which end was up when planting the gigantic bulbs ~ I hope they are smarter than me and can find their way UP next summer!