the pantry

Today in the kitchen...
Harvest season has begun and the k/>itchen is starting to fill up with some good stuff from the garden. Cherry tomatoes that my dad grew, and today my mom brought over pears and plums from their orchard. Somewhere recently I saw a great plum recipe - was it in Martha's magazine - not sure...
I really need to get out to my own garden and pick tomatoes for canning.
I also have two 8 quart baskets of Red Haven peaches from the farm stand, and I just put a peach/blueberry pie into the oven.
A picture of my cabinet since I painted some of the inside blue...
The kitchen pictures today were inspired by a book I just heard about ~ The Pantry: It's History and Modern Uses by Catherine Seiberling Pond. The picture on the cover alone makes me want to buy this book !!
A Google search brought up her website, which has some great pictures from the book and a link to her wonderful blog. I think you might want to check it out...