I'm a little Grinch, green Grinch of Christmas 
(literally here's some reasons why)

lost my spirit, just a bit.

Blankie of many colours (Joseph)
Bed Spread book dated 1958, so I'm a little out of date with this but that's typical me.

No wiki for spread but spread rhymed with thread and from that I got the link below.

A good blog is a factual one with links and reference! apparently. This is my bed spread (so 70's) that I decided to make to keep me warm for xmas. 

The only issue being in true my style its massive! to big to leave the house, and I am indeed notorius for huge projects but this takes the (mince pie) Biscuit.

Watch this space will it ever end.
Reef! dyslexic so matter of factly...... Wreath
Plain green (fake) £8.99 local garden centre, added baubles......baubles not buble (é). 

But talking of xmas

I can't bring my self to Merry Christmas you all yet, because sadly the wreath is as xmas dec as Ive got.  

Due to the silly fact that now is not a good time to sell, sell that being my house.  I was basically two months to late for the market so having to keep my humble aboade uncluttered!!!.  NO CHRITMAS.

I guess this would also explain why my blog entries have dropped off! just pretty hectic at a hectic time of year for everyone.
I managed to complete my family gift before the damp cold shut down the progress of my creativness.......
Currently sitting in my kitchen which let me tell you is pretty un-inspiring!!!!!
But this peice of art I can not wait to give to my family.

There's an ad on TV at the mo, where a little boy is counting sleeps to the 25th to give his parents a gift.  

Well thats exactly how I feel about  this, gift wrapped in my room ready to go under the tree!.

For the love of hooking and my ducks.
Dark duck

Im an ADDICT, OBSESSED WITH THE LITTLE WIBBLE WOBBLE.  The art of it hit the plate intact?  art form.
Rich & Rasmus, two of the three men in my life.

Flickeflu ? new I only just descoved it on a random google.  History? no idea, but I like It!


It seems a production line of Royal scarfs (unofficial) should'nt think Mr Mad Stad would be to annoyed.  
And lets face it a more worth while project for Reading and it's Elderly I think would be a good, great idea to mount a big knit campaign and ditch those shop brought printed scarfs in return for quick knit acrylics that give the old a little extra income;-)

Applogies for all grammer and spelling mistakes my spell check seems to fail me every time!!!! I need a break from my pc the little pink thing.... is really starting to annoy me........aaaaahhhhhh of to crochet stripes, stripes and yes yet more stripes.