New Free Ebooks this Week!

I've found some great new ebooks available for free for a limited time for Kindle and some for Nook! Most of these aren't free for the Nook, so if there's no link for Nook, that means it's full price.

Take a look and don't forget, they won't be free for long!

"Sons of Thunder" by Susan May Warren


"Love Finds You in Homestead, Iowa" by Melanie Dobson

This is the first time I've seen a "Love Finds You" book available for free!

"My Heart Remembers" by Kim Vogel Sawyer

"The Emerald Talisman" by Brenda Pandos

"The Choice" by Suzanne Woods Fisher

I think this one might have been free for awhile, but I just finished an awesome book by this author, so I wanted to showcase the link again!

A lot of the books that I featured last week are still available for free, so you can also check out that list with the links here: