handwork while you wait

I did it--I've finished a sock!!
I had to rip out a couple times and
wasn't sure I was going to make it through--
when it came time to shape the gussets,
I didn't arrange the stitches properly
on the needles...knitted awhile and realized
something was very wrong.
I ripped out and read the instructions
over & over til they finally sunk in,
and then it made perfect sense.
Then I cruised along, but upon finishing
the toe, I found the sock was too short...ripped
out again and easily corrected that.
I've cast on for the second and am thinking
it may be a good 'take along' project to pack this week
for my flight to Atlanta--I must have
something to keep my hands {and mind} busy on the plane,
{I'm not really fond of flying}.
Speaking of 'take along' projects,
I hope you will check out Handwork While You Wait Week
at Benita's website ~ Victoriana Quilt Designs.
Each day will feature a guest post encouraging taking along handwork with you, for those times you have to wait.
Plus, Benita will also be giving away a prize ~
a FQ Sampler from Connecting Threads 'Bit's & Bobbins' fabric, plus Yo-Yo Maker, Embroidery Angle Scissor and a Spring Design Tape Measure!  The fun starts today... 
just click on the button below
to check it out.

