This week I have been busy! (mostley making)

Double ended hooks

New! not seen before......
Knit story
I found a really cheap place to stock up on my acrylic wool in the UK.
A sewing machine fixing shop
, opp Primark (make it easy)

We chatted about Stockholm, I guess he wondered why 10 balls all bright colour balls of acrylic.

Then I saw that he had a little collection on needles for a £1(the usual sort)

On asking if he had any crcohet hooks, as this trip to UK I forgotten to pack
my knit fix bag.

I had a 25! and a 8 variety, not. Mind you any hooks better than none.

He replied "no" to crochet hook request, I thought id look anyway, for my knitting needle collection I can always find more space , Just one more set.......

Shining from the bottom of the pot a gold doubled ended crochet hook!

Around a size 3 and 3.5.

I joked with him not knowing his stock, and he gave it to me, yes told me to pop it in my bag
a kind knit gesture.

A hook for that's a story worth sharing.

A hook or a screw

A charity shop purchase and I think that it could have possibly been hand made.

Extremely tarnished so it spent a night in the brown sauce
(English bad habit)
(The sauce acidic, I think that's the science part)

I'm a Marmite girl.

The screw looking part, I think the term is bevelled
(I may have heard Rich mention this term)

But any how, home made = made with love.
A rare one to my collection.

I knit a poem

Mentioned by Alabama, I have gotten involved with this project. Funny thing the Rebecka that's running the project is Swedish it turns out with our e mails of correspondence.
Small world, from Smaland.
My progress has not yet begun as I need to purchase some wool(Real wool).
(no acrylics here please)Today's job;-)

I'm Crocheting a blank square so it couldn't be easier.
Pink yarn and beads

The pink and beads a long scarf type of project that can be wrapped around some thing in the city.

A new Stockholm project that hopefully I'm involved with.

Helen and her blog

Basically a bit of knitted Graffiti, on a big scale.

knit and crochet, getting people involved showing what can be done all things yarn related.
I think that it's covering as much of Sergal concentrate area (chequer board part) as can be done.
Helens words, to make the town as knitted as possible.
More mention in swedish on blog below

Ikea bag of knitted and crocheted things, that I have pre made. I can donate to pretty the city with graffiti.
Bug dress


Progress so far...........
I'm currently on my third video cog, so it is a pretty cost effective you get a lot
on a roll.