Crochet stitch emergency , Coffee with Celine

Yesterday was a day spent doing the things that I like the best.

We met for coffee
Cute little retro coffee house in a mini shopping centre, central Slussen.
Chat and a cool down the weather has been hot hot hot.

Then a crochet lesson/well not really a lesson as she is already making her own
stitch's! )0j 0j 0j

Just needed some help, with the
lesson of the emergency end stitch.

That when your beginning (learning/relearning) it's so easy to forget that little end of the row finishing stitch.

Then a sight seeing walk, Stockholm is to pretty a place not to look out on such

a glorious day.

Then lunch in the out door Medborgplatsen open square, many eatery's to choose from followed by more crochet I began my flowers in the garden free-form, pictures above progress so far.
(Image borrowed from flicka, I forgot my camera)