keeping busy

We seem to be alternating between hot sunny days and rain. The garden is doing great--we are picking lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, green beans, peppers, and loads of blueberries, which are finding their way into smoothies, pies, pancakes, and homemade yogurt w/granola.
I put on my tall boots and waded through the tall grass to check the wild blackberries earlier in the week, and they are just becoming ready to pick...

I am only finding a handful at a time so I am popping them into the freezer til they start to accumulate.

Last year I made jam; this year I can't wait to try a pie as I've never made one with blackberries before.
While I was picking berries, I had to stop to admire the scenery...

...a beautiful patch of black-eyed Susans.

Besides lots of gardening, I made some time for a little sewing and put together a couple clothespin bags...
...this one, from that vintage table runner I found at the flea market, and this one ...

from some Alexander Henry fabric I have been hoarding for just the right project. I think it will make someone's laundry day a bit more pleasant!
**Thanks for the crocheted blanket appreciation from the last post!!**