Here are Jeanette's fringed Latvian mittens from the book of the same name by Lizbeth Upitis. Aren't they absolutely gorgeous? I got her the kit for Christmas from Schoolhouse Press - unfortunately they don't offer the kits anymore on their web site. The yarn is Satakieli from Finland and it was really nice stuff. The kit came with a really large photo and great instructions so Jeanette didn't even need the actual book.
Organizing my stash the other day made me remember I have two future Sanquhar glove projects planned. I came down with a serious case of glove envy when I saw Krysta's beautiful Merike's gloves from my favorite book, Folk Knitting in Estonia. She did them in Koigu (which Theresa the yarn enabler has told me is totally addicting to work with). They would also be gorgeous in a cashmere blend, wouldn't they?
Also, check out Stasia's gorgeous Bea Ellis moose hat and also the fun fair isle Starmore mittens she photographed at a wool festival.
I'm starting to get excited about the Taos Wool Festival. It is Oct. 4 and 5 this year in Kit Carson park in downtown Taos (you can't miss the park). I highly recommend it and will be taking plenty of photos for the blog. We also plan to return via the "high road" to Taos which means Chimayo and the miraculous sanctuary there. Chimayo is also home to some great weavers so I'll take plenty of film. I think the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta is usually the same weekend so perhaps I'll get some balloon photos as well. I know for sure I'm going to buy some more whiter-than-white Cormo yarn from Elsa Sheep & Wool and Sweaters from Camp and the new Elsebeth Lavold book if I can find it.