painting away

Lots of painting going on here...and lots more
to go--it's endless.
I thought it best to put another coat of paint
on the green benches before
the holiday, or one of our guests
would be sure to end up with a sliver.
The old toy box my dad made for us kids when
we were little is being put to use
on the back deck and was painted light green.
The clothesline trellis is all stained white
now--I actually never finished it last
summer because the morning glories climbed
faster than I could paint.
Honestly, I hope I never have to paint
it again--have you ever painted lattice??
it's a nightmare!
I also painted the hens' fence and the front
of the hen house, the rest hopefully to be finished
another day.
And, the color on this little metal table, which
I painted this spring was just not quite
the blue I had wanted {I do have trouble with
choosing colors}, and so when
I spotted a can of Krylon 'blue ocean breeze'
at the store, I decided to repaint...
How can you not love a color called
blue ocean breeze!
Have a great weekend :)