My Foot, Arm's a Fat Bottom and Crochet.

Foot 1st

I mentioned
MY FOOT OP and here it is.
(apologies if you're squeamish I kept it small)

I hope that the shock is out of the way(scroll down quickly)

And we can continue with the Arm part.


is my crocheted /knitted comfy cardi ,

well maybe waist coat ?

I'm not quiet sure that's what you title a sleeveless cardigan

(that was plan 1)

but I have changed my mind with trying on!

I decided that it needed sleeves, naked arms past 35! Oj oj oj.


Fat bottom

With my injured foot that's been on and off since Christmas

(jogging injury)

Travel and that teamed with my foot op

(ganglion removal)

I have spent yet another week

on what feels like.........

my ever growing fat bottom.

My arms should be toned, as I have been mainly stitching.

But I'm feeling very closed in, today I ventured to post a letter,
a major feet.
(foot pun;-)

The stitches are where you would pull your trainers tight.

This and the fact that where I live is an ice rink.

More snow than I can be bothered to mention.

Counting the days down until

When my bandage is changed and my foot checked.

Hopefully heeling and I can get back to my routine.

And I can't wait!!!!!!!

Crochet part

Sleeves, I made both at the same time for quickness and also
to remind me what it was that I did.

So far so good.