There's something very satisfying about taking my favorite scraps of fabric and making something useful.
For this 20 inch square pillow I cut 16 -- 5 1/2 inch squares,
joined them using 1/4 inch seams,
used a piece of white linen for the back,
and added a zipper.
I don't think you can notice...
draw a line across the pillow about 20 inches down from the short, 20-inch side,
shake all the feathers down to the part of the pillow that I will be using,
and sew across the marked line.
Then I cut off the excess fabric from the unneeded pillow end,
leaving a 20" by 20" square feather cushion.
Here are two other pillows that I made before Christmas
for the leather chairs...
The goal is to get one more patchwork done before Spring;
we'll see....