100th post zippered pouch giveaway...

Hooray, the pictures loaded!
Yesterday was a gloomy, rainy sort of day so I spent the afternoon working on two zippered pouches for the giveaway. I thought it would be nice to offer a choice to the winner, so here's the first one in a Denyse Schmidt print and lined with the fabric you see in the background. It has some vintage rick rack and a sunglasses zipper pull...

The second bag is a small floral print and lined with the pink polka dot fabric. It also has some vintage rick rack trim and a silky tassel for a zipper pull...

Everyone's name who commented on the giveaway post was written on a slip of paper for the drawing... And so, without further ado, the winner is...

I'm so happy!!!!! Congratulations, Mrs Staggs. Please e-mail me at dadesign@localnet.com with your choice of pouch and your address, and I will send it right out to you.