TV knits

Breakfast at Tiffany's

A classic/currently watching the Pink Panther series, I had never watched this before.

I didn't realise that it was the same director until l I watched the commentary for Pink Panther.

Blake Edwards
(It's very funny)

" I just began and its keep growing"

Sweet Home Alabama another family favourite.

Easy TV

"Don't sass me....Missy!" Sweet Home Alabama!

The Mother character Pearl, waving about her Red Heart..........

Whist I'm mentioning Red Heart!

Below my New Winter's on it's way Dress

In the early beginnings, yesterday an Hour spent.

It is So thick that it crochets up, very quickly.

This is the Red part and I have Orange ull that I will team in with the thick Red acrylic.

Harry Potter

Molly's magic needles.

Photos curtesy of my TV/my daughter and my DVD selection;-)

I love the sleeves of this jumper she is wearing/picture not so good so you'll have to watch them all again to see in a quality picture.

I do like the first four very much so, good children TV.

A must see;0-)

Pass word security

This got sent to me as a funny e mail, I rarely open that sort of mail but glad I did.

As I really laughed (LOL? text speak, how terribly hip of me)

At the bottom of the picture it