Inspiration, Dedication, Crochet Experimentation.

My Fiona Hat

(Biggest Beret ever, featured if you scroll down the blog)

I really tried to make it smaller but with my best effort,

It still fell down over my eyes,

So a bag it is!
(Yes Angela, we think very alike)

I made the strap free-form and when I took the photo,
I loved the shadow.

And of cousre, my new hobbie seems to be play on
Paint Shop.

So I Crocheted played away,

pleased with my Art Knit results.

Foil Edges, Below

International Friday,

my most recent Stockholm knit cafe.

A quick mention for the school knit cafe I run, this week had the biggest turn out yet 11 and two babies. 8 different country's represented, randomly three Brits,




and Macedonian.

The group is split almost 60/40
(knitting the most popular, but I'm working on that:-)
knitters and Crocheters, beginners to advanced. Some just stopped by for a coffee and to be inspired.

a knitting Newbe, eventually got the confidence to (KIP) knit her stitches in public and even learn a little crochet, Celine and karin happy to help.

Sabine modelled her newly finished lilac top, Anita working away at those slippers Norwegian style.

getting thorough her projects at a rate of naught's!!!
(looking forward to the cushion unveiling)

Our aim
Chat, pass patterns look at inspirational books and just generally have fun.

Angela Hatton

My dear friend, designed a free form dress inspired around me!

"Free form expert, is quoted on her blog"

(I'm very proud) Angela (aka Quirky lil knits)

A knitted professional
so I feel privileged that I inspired her.

As she, to me......Vise'r(Vise)... Verser.

A dress I made in 2008 Angela
(Inspired by yes you get the theme here, Angela)

Inspriational over load.