the trellis clothesline

Supermommy asked about my trellis clothesline, so as I headed out with my basket of laundry to hang, I grabbed the camera as well. Jodie also asked about the vines--they are morning glories. As I hang my laundry each morning, they are at their best!

The posts in the ground are 4x4's and are shiplap joined across the top with a 2x4--all pressure-treated lumber.

A sheet of lattice was cut to size and nailed to the inside...

It was a beautiful day for hanging out my new flea market napkins and towels.

Next, I head to the barn to feed the cats...

Jessica is waiting anxiously to be let out to graze...

Over at the henhouse, more morning glories climb the fence and nasturiums are overflowing the half-barrel I planted them in. The picture doesn't do them justice; many of the blossoms are hidden inside the foliage...I will definitely be planting many more of them next year--love them!
Thanks for joining me on my morning rounds.