These hold my yarn stash (other than yarn used in works in progress). I have a container of worsted weight yarns (Nature Spun, Cascade 220, Classic Elite Tapestry), one of DK weight yarns (Dale Heilo, Country Garden DK), one of fingering weight yarns (Stahl Baby Merino, Pingouin Laine , Nature Spun, Wildfoote, one container of sport weight yarn (mainly Nature Spun), one container just for a ton of Nylamb (long-gone fingering weight sock yarn) I purchased on Ebay, one container with odds and ends for future Spontaneous Scarves and one finally one with non-wool yarns.

And here are my two containers of fleece and fibers for spinning.
Not much to report today. Still knitting on the Dale baby cardigan. I'll have a photo of Kashmir tomorrow so you can judge for yourself whether or not it resembles the pattern photo. Snickerdoodle my bunny is sick so I'm giving him lots of TLC before he's off to the vet tomorrow am.