Okay so tonight I'm sitting on the couch minding my own business knitting my Sanquhar glove. DH is in the kitchen being a good spouse and washing the dinner dishes. I feel something drop on my arm. I look down and it is a squirming 5 inch long centipede. Sanquhar goes flying, size 00 dpns go flying, centipede goes flying, cats freak out, and I start screaming bloody murder. DH comes in from the kitchen to see what is going on with dish towel in hand. I'm practically apoplectic. DH thinks the whole thing is hilarious. The centipede vanishes into thin air and I have to go lie down in a dark room for a few minutes to lower my heart rate. Ewwwwwww.
A few minutes later I do a web search on centipedes because my arm is bleeding a bit. Fortunately on closer inspection my arm is scratched, not bitten, so I guess centipedes have some sharp body parts. Ewwwwwwwww. DH says he knew it was another centipede when he heard me shrieking. Yes I've seen them before and gently sweep them outdoors but this is the first time one was actually on me. Ewwwwww.
Who was it that said knitting was relaxing?
Here's the yarn I purchased on sale to make Na Craga. It is Nature Spun worsted in Meadow Green and it changes colors depending on time of day.